Justice League: First Thoughts

It gives me very little pleasure to report that this is not the best film of 2017. That said, it’s also not the worst either. It’s also an improvement on Batman vs. Superman, which is nice to be able to say. The story holds up better than that film, and there are no unresolved subplots […]

The Snowman: The Verdict

“Perhaps not the greatest thriller of all time, but a highly entertaining film with some decent performances that I’d likely watch a sequel to” As normal, I’m beginning with a TL;DR version of this review, which summaries my thoughts as above. I’m aware that the critical reviews of this film are less than favourable, and […]

Blade Runner 2049: The Verdict

“Not the worst film in the world, but a little short of being great” There was a lot of excitement when Blade Runner 2049 was announced. Having never seen the original by that point I was somewhat excited, given how much I’d heard about the original being amazing. Even after seeing the original and being […]

Blade Runner: The Verdict

“Did she just fall in love with her rapist?” For years whenever the subject of Blade Runner has come up people were shocked by the idea that I’d never seen it. With the sequel, Blade Runner 2049, out now I can confirm I’ve now seen the original twice and… I don’t get why people were […]

mother!: The Verdict

“Simultaneously one of the weirdest films I’ve ever seen, while also being possibly one of the best films I’ve seen in 2017…” Once again, I’ll begin with a TL;DR version of the review, and that about sums up my thoughts for “mother!”. It is genuinely impossible to categorize this film in the traditional sense. When […]

American Assassin: The Verdict

“When it comes to action/adventure films, this one ticks every box” Continuing with a TL;DR version of my review, just so you know what you’re getting into. And yes, when it comes to action/adventure films, this one does tick every box for a good film. From the moment I saw the trailers this was on […]