iPhone 8: What Do We Know & Is It Worth Upgrading?

I’m writing this right now on an iMac. In front of me on the table is an iPhone 7. Behind me, on my sofa, is my iPad Pro. Sitting in my bedroom right now in a laptop bag is my MacBook Pro. On my wrist as I type is an Apple Watch. I wanted to start out with that as a “full disclosure” introduction, because I’ll admit that I’m a fan of Apple products. That said, while I’ve joked about it in the past, I don’t consider myself a “fan-girl”. I don’t gush over every decision Apple make. I don’t rush out to buy every product Apple release. There are some, in fact, that I won’t buy/upgrade to for various different reasons. However, I don’t want you thinking that I’m approaching this as a full Apple cynic either. I think it’s only fair you know my views on Apple before I start talking about the iPhone 8 rumours.

So, I don’t consider myself an Apple fan-girl but I do consider myself an Apple user. There are various reasons for this. First and foremost amongst those is that I’m a .NET Developer. I know that seems counter-intuitive, after all if I’m a Microsoft developer then why on earth would I use Mac at home? The answer is because I stare at Windows all day every day that I’m at work, so when I go home there’s nothing I like more than NOT staring at the same interface again. It feels like there’s a genuine disconnect between my work life and my personal life, and that helps me relax when I’m at home. It also gives me a perspective on Mac that a lot of people may not have, since I regularly use both Windows and Mac OS five days a week. So, if that explains in part why I’m a Mac user, what about my iPhone? The story behind that is that I switched from an early Windows phone to an iPhone 3G way back when, after playing with a friend’s iPhone and realising how incredibly much better it was than mine. Android wasn’t such a viable option then, I invested in an iPhone and I’ve never regretted that choice.

However, I don’t want to turn this into an iPhone vs. Android debate. I know there are a whole group of people who refuse to look at it objectively and make outlandish claims about why one is superior to the other, refusing to listen to any form of common sense. Believe me, I know this; I work with one of them. I’m not here to slander Android devices. I’m simply going to state that, given the option, I prefer iOS. The major arguments I hear from most people simply don’t apply for me. I’ve never once encountered something I “can’t do” on an iPhone, despite people telling me repeatedly they don’t like the “restrictions” of Apple. I also had zero problems in using iTunes to set it up originally, something which people still desperately cling to as a reason for hating iPhones. Please note, I said “had”, given that my last two iPhones have barely ever been connected to my Mac. Why would they be? It’s been generations of devices since you HAD to connect them to do things, and 99.9% of the things I do with my phone I can do without going anywhere near my Mac.

Ok, now that that’s out of the way, I’ve been reading many of the new rumours about what Apple are going to announce in their September event. Part of that is that I’m waiting for them to announce a 4K version of Apple TV. I was very impressed by the previous version, but was put off from getting it primarily because it lacked 4K video support and I didn’t really see the point in investing in something that I’d need to replace again. I’ve read many rumours about the replacement for Apple TV and when it’ll come and what they’ll change and assuming that they do in fact announce the 4K streaming on the new Apple TV then it’ll probably end up on my purchase list. It’s that or invest in a PS4 Pro for the same capability, and while I’d like to look at that as an option in the future, right now it’s simply not on my agenda.

I’m fully aware there are other options. I’m fully aware of the Amazon and Google devices. I’m fully aware of the other 4K support out there in the world. I know I could rush out to get a 4K Amazon Fire device. I don’t want to though. I have nothing against the devices. I’m sure they’re wonderful and provide everything my heart could desire. But considering my other Apple products, considering my use of iTunes on Mac and iPhone, and considering my Apple account is used to purchase apps, the question I’ve asked myself is why I’d tie myself into a second set of devices? If I tie myself into Apple TV then all the media I already stream on my iPhone, iPad and Mac I can easily also stream on my Apple TV, right? Also, I have the wonderful benefit of AirPlay to the Apple TV (which I already use semi-regularly to watch things like BT Sport, which isn’t available on the old versions of Apple TV and may not even be on the new one either).

Concept art for the new camera position

So, while looking for confirmation of the announcement of a 4K Apple TV I’ve also been looking at the iPhone rumours. I’m incredibly curious what they’re going to announce because my phone contract allows me to upgrade every 12 months. If I take that option I’m tied to another 2 year contract, but if I don’t take that option then in a further 12 months I’m free to keep (and sell) my phone and upgrade to whatever I choose. It seems like a smart move to take option B in that, yet what if the new iPhone offers something utterly killer that I want? I’ve done upgrades in the past specifically for that reason. Touch ID was one incredible example. Force Touch was another. Both are functionality that I can’t ever remember NOT having now as I use them so frequently. Yet what more can Apple offer me this time around to upgrade?

Facial Recognition

For me, this isn’t a huge selling point. Could it be cool? Yes. Is it the thing that will get my money and commitment for another two year contract? No.

What I *hope* is that they offer Facial Recognition in addition to, and not as a replacement for, Touch ID. I really, really like Touch ID. It’s so simple and yet so perfect. More importantly it’s so incredibly fast now that it unlocks my phone often before I’ve even registered that I need to tap the Home button to actually finish the unlocking. It seemed like a cool gimmick when they first announced it but I became genuinely annoyed before long that my iPad didn’t have the same unlocking technology. Now I can’t imagine living without Touch ID. I don’t know how Apple Pay would work, for example. I’m confident it’s something they’ve thought about but to be honest it’s not something I’m looking to get rid of, especially if its replacement will be facial recognition.

Facial recognition is cool. Don’t get me wrong, I quite like the concept. However, what limitations will it have? The Microsoft version on PCs I’m unimpressed by. If you sit down in front of it with sunglasses on and you don’t normally wear sunglasses then it doesn’t recognise you. That will really, really annoy me on a phone if I’ve got to constantly take off or put on my glasses to get it to recognise me, rather than using a fingerprint which doesn’t change. Also, does your weight affect it? My face and neck were a LOT bigger six months ago. So, if I lose more weight will it no longer recognise me? Will I have to keep updating it every time I lose a little weight? Will makeup affect it? If my hair hangs down over my face, will it not recognise me? None of these are a problem with Touch ID. I just touch it. Maybe they’re all things Apple has considered. I’ve heard rumours about it using infrared, so I’m not sure if that’ll reduce or remove any of these concerns, but what if it doesn’t? And, in my rather unique situation, what if I get surgery? It won’t recognise me then, and as I’m recovering how many times would I need to reset the goddamn functionality? It seems like a cool gimmick that, quite honestly, just isn’t as good as Touch ID.

No Home Button

This is a nothing point for me. I’m not in love with the Home button anyway, and when everyone else freaked out over it on the iPhone 7, I pretty much just shrugged my shoulders and didn’t care.

They’ve already removed the Home button and replaced it with a taptic response button which feels like a button when the phone is on but is obviously not when it’s off. To move on from this they’d just get rid of the button entirely and presumably a touch on the screen would do the same thing? I’m fine with that. It’ll be a little weird to get used to, but ultimately it won’t be some huge thing that I’ll never adapt to. I am curious how things will work though. How will we take screenshots? The Home button + Power button thing has been ingrained in me for so long I’m curious what the replacement for that will be. Will it just be touching the screen? If so that’s not a problem. Is this what the “virtual” home button will be used for?

With me this is more just a curiosity than a selling point. Perhaps, in the future, I’ll look back as I do now over some of the changes and wonder how I ever lived without it. How did I update my apps on the App Store before Touch ID? Oh, right, I’d open the App Store, then I’d click “Updates”, then I’d click “Update All”. Now I just Force Touch and choose Update All. Maybe that’s how the no Home button will be. I’ll look back in the same way, giggle and go “oh, remember when you had to press the home button?” I think that may be the case if the facial detection unlocks your phone when you look at it. The combination of Touch ID and facial recognition, so me touching my phone and looking at it unlocking it, would certainly achieve that giggle from me. But is it a true selling point? Not really. It’s not something I’m desperate to try at this stage. It’s just a change in how the phone works. I won’t put me off either, but nor is it making me check my bank balance to ensure I have enough to pre-order.

Edge-to-Edge Display

It’s a redesign to mean that the screen on the phone fills more of it, no longer having the “box” look and going the way of other smart-phones. This… isn’t really a selling point for me either.

Concept art for the new screen design. Credit: Apple

I’m going to begin by saying I don’t get this. Is it a fad or is it here to stay? Is there really a PROBLEM with a phone having edges? I always, ALWAYS put my phone in a case anyway so if the phone doesn’t naturally come with edges then I’m going to introduce them the moment I pop it into a case. Anyone who doesn’t is weird to me. Why would you risk scratching your phone by not putting some kind of screen protector on it? Why would you risk damaging the back of it? Why would you risk dropping it and cracking it for the sake of not putting it in a simple case? What do people have against cases? I’ve had iPhones since the iPhone 3G and I’ve never even SCRATCHED one, let alone cracked one. I’ve always managed to resell my phones for really good money as a result. Yet I know people who’ve complained how often they’ve broken theirs. What the hell do they do to them? Why not just get a case? It makes no sense!

You can see the template that I’ve included above, that is apparently the new screen design, and… I’m not overwhelmed by it, but I’m also no longer put off by it. When I first saw it I thought “ew, that looks weird”. Now, as more and more images are appearing, I’m already used to it. I won’t say I LIKE it, but I don’t hate it. I also like it more than the weird “wrap around” design that other phones have. Again, I put mine in a case, why would I want that?! There’s certainly more screen to work with, which is quite cool. The bit at the top for the cameras etc. is a little weird, but it’s not a showstopper for me. However, neither is this change so appealing that I feel like I HAVE to have one. It’s another change that I feel like in a few years’ time I’ll laugh about. “Oh, remember when we had the box look along the top and bottom? Wow that looks so old now”. That said, maybe this “full screen” thing IS a fad. I think the TVs that had this effect are/were. Personally I like the look of my TV with its edges. I wouldn’t get one of the edgeless ones because to me it looks weird. I currently feel the same about the phones (with this design less weird than the Samsung S8), but that said it doesn’t put me off either.

Still No Phone Jack

They’re not bringing back the phone jack. Does that surprise anyone?

I love that people are still complaining about this. I was sat at work today with my earbuds in, connected to the adapter connected to the lightning port, and it doesn’t bother me at all. There’s only been one point in the year I’ve had this phone that I’ve thought “dammit, I need to charge it but I want to listen to music”, and when that happened I grabbed a pair of Bluetooth headphones I have and connected them (which I owned prior to this change anyway). What are people doing to their phones that this is a problem for them? Can they not put it down for a while to charge it without disconnecting their headphones? Yes, it takes some getting used to, but I don’t see why people whine about it. I really don’t. You’re investing in a £700 phone… and you can’t spend a few extra quid on a goddamn set of headphones? Maybe you shouldn’t be spending that amount of money on a phone if that’s such a big deal to you?

On the subject of headphone jacks though that does remind me: is Apple going to announce a “AirBud”, rather than an “AirPod”? I haven’t invested in the AirPods (see: told you I’m not a fan-girl). In truth I don’t like the plastic feel of the normal EarPods in my ears, and I’m not convinced that I’ll like the AirPods for the same reason. Once again I question all the whining about “well, what if I lose one”? If you’re worried about it, don’t buy them. If you’re likely to lose them then maybe they’re NOT the right piece of equipment for you? Why do people act like they have no free will and HAVE to buy something even if it’s not suited to their particular needs? It wasn’t suited for me so I didn’t buy it. However, if they announce an “AirBud” version, with the softer in-ear headphones instead of the hard plastic ones, then suddenly they may grab my money. There are other ones available on the market already but they lack the charging-cradle and instant-connect-ability that the AirPods have, thus I’ve not invested in them either and have just stuck with the good old fashioned EarBuds. I’m hopeful that this is something that Apple will look at and release eventually (or someone else will develop a version that I like just as much), but I’m in no rush for them and it won’t affect my decision to upgrade or not either way.

Wireless Charging

Ooh, finally something that DOES get an “ooh” from me when it comes to potential upgrades, and also mitigates that whining about the lightning port used for headphones…

Concept art for iOS 11 with the charging dock

If this is in the new phone it’ll be the single biggest temptation for me to upgrade. It won’t be the only reason I’d do it. I’m not willing to part with my cash JUST because of this functionality. But that said my interest in other rumours on top of this would probably be enough to get my money. If the phone doesn’t have wireless charging then that won’t be the end of the world either, but for me this is by far the most interesting and exciting step the iPhone can take. Everything else feels like just minor changes that, while they could be cool, won’t really change the way you use it. This, however, WILL change the way I use my phone. It’ll also get me to invest in a few different charging pads as well, as I’d likely ultimately want one in my bedroom, next to my TV and at work, so this could be a nice way for Apple (and others, when they release them) to make money on new accessories.

What I’d hope they do is add this to the iPads as well (and maybe even the Apple Watch too) so that one charging pad could become the point that you charge every device. I doubt that they’ll release an iPad with this at the same time – the iPads always seem to lag behind with the new technologies – but knowing that that could happen in the future, and changing the way I charge my phone and the huge convenience this would provide, is a major plus for me and the single biggest thing I’m interested in. Of course it’s just a rumour at this stage, and it may not happen. Even if it does though, there’s one more major point to hit before I make any kind of decision on whether or not I’ll get one.

The Price

I can see this being the thing everyone goes on and on about.

So, the current rumours are that they’re going to offer a slight improvement on the current iPhone 7 for the normal prices, and then the big upgrade to the new premium device for a big price difference. Yeah, I can hear people complaining about this already, but as I’ve said already: you don’t HAVE to buy this. If it’s a premium device and you’re on minimum wage and want to pay cash for it, chances are that Apple didn’t price the device with YOU as their target market. Sorry, but it’s much the same as top class restaurants don’t price their lunch menus with you in mind either. Sure, you want the new gadget just like you want to be cooked for by world-class chefs, but you’re probably not one of the ones who can afford that. There are options available though if you must get one, like the Apple Upgrade Plan (or the equivalent offered by UK phone network providers).

It’ll likely cost a big chunk no matter how you decide to finance the phone though. I’m wondering how it’ll factor into the upgrade plan I’m on via my phone network provider. Will it mean a larger deposit? Will it mean a more expensive contract? If I get a more expensive contract, how much more expensive will it be? These are all thoughts that WILL decide whether or not I go for the upgrade. The price is, after all, one of the most important things when investing in new tech, and since there’s nothing in the phone that screams that I MUST have it I do wonder if it’ll be worth the money or not. I can’t afford those fancy lunches I spoke about either. In fact, I’ve recently been throwing stuff on eBay just to make some extra money. So for me the cost is a major thing, but I’m not going to cry about it if I can’t afford it and blame the company or the phone. It’s a premium line phone, and if I can’t afford it then the iPhone 7 I have is rather nice as it is considering how little it cost me on my contract.

Is it worth upgrading?

I know I’ve spent the whole blog saying that no one thing is overwhelming and the single-reason that I’m willing to spend money. That’s true. The closest thing I care about is wireless charging. That said, the combination of all the rumours – if they’re all true – does make for a tempting overall package. I’m willing to take the upgrade option in my contract, hand over my iPhone 7 and get a new one, but it all comes down to what that’ll cost me. It’s over to Apple to wow me with their announcement now. The iOS 11 upgrade will come anyway, and it’s something I’m quite excited about regardless of what phone I run it on. So if Apple can convince me their new phone is worth the money then I’m open to upgrading. Of course if they also announce “AirBuds” and Apple TV 4K then they may take the decision away from me as I’m more interested in those two than in upgrading my phone.

So, now it’s over to you, Apple. Wow me. And it’s over to you, EE. Impress me with your pricing plans for the new phone. If you want my money then you’ll need to do good work. See you in September. Don’t let me down.